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Version: 0.4.0

Project Creation And Default Structure

This document describes the default project structure of Seaplane applications. It assumes you have the Seaplane SDK and CLI tool installed. You can learn more about installation and setup here.

Creating A New Project​

To create a new Seaplane application run the following command inside your terminal. We recommend you set up a virtual environment to avoid dependency conflicts.

seaplane init my-project-name

Seaplane automatically generates the default project structure and populates the file with a "hello world" application.

Creating Virtual Environments​

Run the following commands to create a virtual environment. You can learn more about virtual environments here.

python3 -m venv my-seaplane-project
source my-seaplane-project/bin/activate

Default Project Structure and Files​

A default seaplane project consists of the following elements.

├── my-project-name/
│ └──
├── .env
└── pyproject.toml

The main my-project-name directory contains all the files associated with this project. Including a directory for the project's Python scripts, a pyproject.toml file for build configuration and a .env file for declaring project secrets.

Python File Directory​

Each Seaplane project requires another directory by the same name containing at least one Python script indicated as the main Python script by the pyproject.toml file. You can learn more about the Pyproject file in the section below.

The only requirement for the main Python script is that it includes the start() command. The init function generates a sample project with one file containing the application, two tasks and the start() command.

For larger projects, we recommend you define your @app inside and create a new file for each @task. This enables easier collaboration and keeps the project structured and easy to understand.


The application and task names are currently limited to 28 characters and can only include the following characters:

  • a-z
  • 0-9
  • -

A sample project structure might look something like this.

├── my-project-name/
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── .env
└── pyproject.toml


The pyproject.toml file is the main configuration file. It contains basic information about your app and its dependencies, and it indicates which Python script in your project contains the start() command. More information on each section below.

  • [tool.poetry] - Includes the name, version and optionally a description and authors of the project.
  • [tool.seaplane] - Indicates which Python script includes the start() command. By default, it is set to but you can use any Python script you like as long as it contains the start command.
  • [tool.poetry.dependencies] - This section should include all dependencies of your project. Add each dependency as a new line. To avoid dependency conflicts we recommend using loosely defined dependencies i.e 'package>=1.0.0' instead of 'package==1.0.0'
  • [build-system] - This section defines the build backend and relevant configuration options for building your project.

Environment Variables​

Use the .env file to define application secrets. During deployment, Seaplane automatically creates environment variables for all secrets defined in .env.

Make sure you include the following line inside your .gitignore file to avoid pushing application secrets to your GitHub repository.


You can load environment secrets inside your application using os.getenv('SECRET_NAME'). For example, assume you have the following .env file.


During deployment, Seaplane automatically creates the required secrets as environment variables. You can load them inside a sql_access object as follows.
from seaplane import task
import os

def my_sql_task(context):

# load API keys from environment variables
open_ai_key = os.getenv('OPEN_AI_API_KEY')
external_key = os.getenv('MY_EXTERNAL_SERVICE')