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Version: 0.7.0 (alpha)

HTTP Entry Point

By default, every application is accessible through HTTP calls and the Seaplane CLI. Read more about the specifics of calling your REST-enabled application, directly with a cURL request or the CLI in the sections below.

HTTP calls enable you to trigger runs and retrieve data from pipelines from any other platform. The POST and GET endpoints follow the following structure. Based on the application name you provided to your app instance i.e., App('application-name')


POST Request​

To trigger a run of your application call the POST endpoint with a cURL request or through the Seaplane CLI as follows. When successful the POST request returns a request ID which can be used to retrieve the output using a GET request.

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $(curl --request POST --header "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-API-KEY>")" \
-d '{"hello": "world"}'<APPLICATION-NAME>/request

Add data to your post request as binary data through the -d flag. This allows you to add a variety of data objects such as JSON strings, files, or any other binary data format. Make sure to mark your Content-Type as octet-stream.

For example, you can add a PDF file to your POST request as follows.

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $(curl --request POST --header "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-API-KEY>")" \
-d @my-pdf.pdf<APPLICATION-NAME>/request

Replace <YOUR-API-KEY> with your API key and <APPLICATION-NAME> with your application name.

Expected Output:

{ "request_id": "036cf50b-d81d-4312-a860-382202dcdbfa" }

The input data of a POST request is very flexible. For example, you can send JSON strings, PDF files or any other binary data format. As a result, you are in charge of handling the input data inside your app correctly. You can learn more about handling input data in the task message section of our documentation.

GET Request​

Seaplane supports requesting data from the application through a GET request to the application URL or directly using the Seaplane CLI. Use the request_id output from a POST request or CLI command to request the associated response.

curl -X GET --header "Authorization: Bearer $(curl --request POST  --header "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-API-KEY>")" \

Replace <APPLICATION-NAME> with your application name, <YOUR-API-KEY> with your API key, and <REQUEST-id> with your request ID.

Expected Output:

The output bytes object as defined in your application through app.respond(my_output_data)