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Version: 0.7.0 (alpha)

Key-Value Store

Seaplane comes with a built-in low latency key-value (KV) store to build powerful data science and machine learning applications. This document describes the usage of the KV store and its methods.

The Seaplane SDK hides all the complexity of setting up and connecting to the KV store and hands you a single kv_store instance to interact with. Authentication is handled automatically by your API key set in your .env file. You can read more about authentication here.

To use the KV-store import it in your project as follows.

from seaplane.kv import kv_store

Store Operations​

The KV store requires you to define a store before setting any key-value pairs. The following section covers all the store operations.

Creating a Store​

To create a Store call the create_store() method on the kv_store and supply it with the required arguments.

  • The store name type:string

You can provide an optional object containing any of the following elements to override the default KV store behavior.

  • max_value_size, type:int - The maximum allowed size (in bytes) of any value in this KV store. The default max value size is 2MB and the maximum value size should not exceed 8MB (8,000,000 bytes).
  • ttl, type:int - The time in seconds at which key-value pair in this store expires.
  • replicas, type:int - The number of replicas of this store.
  • allow_locations, type:list with elements of type:string. The regions where this store can be deployed. For a complete list of locations, see application regions.
  • deny_locatons, type:list with elements of type:string. The regions where this store can not be deployed. For a complete list of locations, see application regions.
Example Configuration Object
"max_value_size": 2000,
"ttl": 500,
"replicas": 3,
"allow_locations": ["region/sjc"],
"deny_locations": ["region/jfk"]

We recommend that most users create stores without altering the default configuration object. This allows Seaplane to figure out the best location, replication and other factors of your store according to your application ruleset.

from seaplane.kv import kv_store

def my_kv_store_task():
object_store.create_store("my-kv-store", config_object) # config_object is optional

Expected Output:

  • If successful, None
  • If unsuccessful, Error

Deleting a Store​

To delete a store call the delete_store() method on the kv_store and supply the required arguments.

  • The store name type:string
from seaplane.kv import kv_store

def my_kv_store_task(msg):

Expected Output:

  • If successful, None
  • If unsuccessful, Error

List Stores​

To list all stores in your current tenant call the list_stores() method on the kv_store.

from seaplane.kv import kv_store

def my_kv_store_task(msg):

Expected Output:

['my-kv-store-1', 'my-kv-store-2']

Key Operations​

The following section describes all available key operations.

Set a Key​

To set a key-value pair call the set_key() method on the kv_store and supply it with the required arguments.

  • The store name, type:string
  • The key name, type:string
  • The value, type:bytes
from seaplane.kv import kv_store

def my_kv_store_task(msg):
kv_store.set_key("my-kv-store", "my-key", b"my-value")

Expected Output:

  • If successful, None
  • If unsuccessful, Error

Get a Key​

To get a key-value pair call the get_key() method on the kv_store and supply it with the required arguments.

  • The store name, type:string
  • The key name, type:string
from seaplane.kv import kv_store

def my_kv_store_task(msg):
kv_store.get_key("my-kv-store", "my-key")

Expected Output:


Delete a Key​

To delete a key-value pair call the del_key() method on the kv_store and supply it with the required arguments.

  • The store name, type:string
  • The key name, type:string
from seaplane.kv import kv_store

def my_kv_store_task(msg):
kv_store.delete_key("my-kv-store", "my-key")

Expected Output:

  • If successful, None
  • If unsuccessful, Error

List Keys​

To list all keys in a store call the list_keys() method on the kv_store and supply it with the required arguments.

  • The store name, type:string
from seaplane.kv import kv_store

def my_kv_store_task(msg):

Expected Output:

['my-key-1', 'my-key-2', 'my-key-3']

Key Exists​

To check if a key exists call the exists() method on the kv_store and supply it with the required arguments.

  • The store name, type:string
  • The key name, type:string
from seaplane.kv import kv_store

def my_kv_store_task(msg):
kv_store.exists("my-kv-store", "my-key")

Expected Output:

  • If exists, True, type:bool
  • If not exist, False, type:bool