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Version: 0.3.94

Task Types

This document describes how to use the various task types available in Seaplane.


The compute task is the most common task type inside Seaplane. It turns any piece of code into a scalable serverless container that runs inside your application. To create a compute task add type='compute' to your @task decorator.

@task(type='compute'm id='my-compute-task')
def my_compute_task():
# write your python code here


The inference tasks allows your code to take advantage of specialized compute hardware optimized for inference. They behave similarly to regular compute tasks but have access to specialized hardware such as NVidia A100s or Triton. To create an inference task add type='inference' to your @task decorator.

@task(type='inference'm id='my-inference-task')
def my_inference_task():
# write your python code here